Katolicismus mezi univerzalismem, partikularismem a autonomií – příspěvek k typologii středoevropské náboženské kultury.


  • Miroslav Kunštát Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague


Roman Catholics between Universalism, Particularism, and Autonomy - A Contribution to the Typology of Central European Religioius Culture.

The author deals with the specific aspects of the Central European religious culture in the 19th and 20th century, i.e. generally with the relations of the „universal“ Roman Catholic Church to the new established modern national societies, more detailed in three case studies (related mostly to the Czech lands): the first one analysis the national separation and division of the traditional catholic institutions based on the national principles (not only of the Catholic theological studies at the University of Prague or of the other bishopric seminaries and higher theological schools, but also of the old historical bishopries). In the second study is the author’s interest focused to the elements of national parallelism and concurrency in the organization of the greatest catholic public assemblies, so-called Katholikentage (katolické dny), between 1860–1935. The third study deals with the differences in the perception and acceptance of the Catholic Modernism by the Czech, Sudeten German, Austrian, Hungarian and Slovak Catholics or official regional church institutions respectively.


Keywords: Roman Catholic Church, religion, Central Europe, religious culture





