Asymetrické vztahy a migrace – případ Mexika a USA.


  • Kryštof Kozák Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague


Asymmetric Relations and Migration - a case of Mexico and the United States.

This article analyzes the consequences of asymmetric relations between Mexico and the United States on the example of immigration policies. Mexico as a weaker partner tried to protect itself against the potentially overpowering influence of the U.S. As part of this strategy, emigration was officially discouraged, as intense cross-border movement had been considered potentially subversive for Mexican political institutions. However, with economic opening starting in 1980s, Mexican government realized that emigrants might be very useful for economic development within Mexico. As a result it now pursues pragmatic immigration policies. The United States as the stronger partner in the relationship does not see the immigration issue as a bilateral problem stemming from economic asymmetry between the two countries and pursues unilateral restrictive policies aimed at curbing migration against opposition of the Mexican government. False reading of the asymmetric context by the U.S. government precludes closer cooperation with Mexico in search for realistic solutions to the bilateral problem.


Keywords: Asymmetry, foreign relations, immigration, United States, Mexico.





