Die Entwicklungspolitik in der Ãra Erhard Eppler (1968–1974).
Development policy in Erhard Eppler´s Germany (1968 –1974).
Development policy in Germany – as in many other countries – was institutionalised in the 1960s. However, it took more than a decade for the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development until it was equipped with the necessary instruments and authority. Since development policy started off as a part of foreign and economic policy and therefore was initially incorporated in the related ministries, the establishment of an independent ministry was a gradual and operose process. The third Federal Development Minister, social democrat Erhard Eppler, who was in charge of the department between 1968 and 1974, shaped German development policy in two respects: He succeeded in directing aid from self-interest to the needs of the underdeveloped countries and he set up a ministry which no longer was an appendage of other departments. Many of Eppler’s ideas are still valid, like the principle “help for self-help” or the intention to spend a sum equivalent to 0.7 per cent of GNI (Gross National Income) on development cooperation. Nevertheless, he failed in achieving acceptance of his views by his own government.
Keywords: development policy, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development,