Nucená práce pro německé hospodářství za 2. světové války a cesta k její kompenzaci: východiska – jednání – výsledky.


  • Tomáš Jelínek Česko-německý fond budoucnosti


Compensation of Forced Labourers. Forced Labour for the German economy during the World War II and its compensation: starting positions – negotiations – results.

This study deals with the process of compensation of Forced Labourers. It describes first the unwillingness of Germany to deal with the problem of Forced Labour and then the circumstances that set off a process that finally led to compensation. The core of the study is a very detailed description of diplomatic negotiations in the years 1999–2000, in the course of which representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German industry, the USA, the states of Central and Eastern Europe and of the victims finally agreed to set up a foundation, funded one half each by the German state and by the German industry.

Keywords: Forced Labour, Federal Republic of Germany, Czech-German Fund for the





