Univerzita Karlova 1945 – akademická samospráva a stát.


  • Zdeněk Pousta Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University


Charles University in 1945 - Academic Selg-government and the State.

The article deals with the situation of the re-opened universities in Czechoslovakia after 1945 and with their relation vis-ŕ-vis post-war Czechoslovak administrative and the idea of academical autonomy There were at this time two main ideological streams how to handle with the Czechoslovak universities after the Second World War The first was the Czechoslovak London government with its ideas on continuity with the prewar situation The second one, in contrary with the London representation, was the Czechoslovak (communist) representation in Moscow which proposed new „action-plan“ with the reorganization of universities One of the consequences of the communist plans was the fact that the pre-war academic officials, who expected returning to their former position, were replaced by new members These changes were understood as a bureaucratic and not as a political measure.


Keywords: Czechoslovakia, university, autonomy, self-government,





