Die Modernisierung der Westdeutschen und der tschechoslowakischen Gesellschaft – die Entstehung von Jugendkulturen in der Nachkriegszeit am Beispiel der Jugendzeitschriften Bravo und Mladý Svět.


  • Zuzana Lizcová Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague


The Modernization of the West German and Czechoslovakian Society – The Formation of the Youth Cultures in the Post War Time.

The Modernization of the West German and Czechoslovakian Society – The Formation of the youth cultures in the post war time Creation of independent youth cultures is considered to be an integral part of the modernization of the western society in past decades. This article focuses on the formation of youth cultures in West Germany in the second half of the 20th century, in particular on the genesis of the most important youth magazine Bravo, and on the foundation of a similar print medium in the communist Czechoslovak Republic – Mladý svět (Young World). Zuzana Lizcová briefly describes different social-economic conditions in both countries in the given period and recounts the origin and development of both magazines, then compares their contents (topics, aims, variety of articles) and depicts their social role and impact on the maturing generations.


Keywords: history, media, youth culture, modernization, Germany, Czechoslovakia





