Československý exil v boji za lidská práva.


  • Francis Raška Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague


The Czechoslovak Exile’s Struggle for Human Rights

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of the Czechoslovak exile in the struggle for human rights in Czechoslovakia after the Soviet invasion in 1968 and the onset of so-called “normalization.” The main organization of exiles was the Council of Free Czechoslovakia, which had been divided into two factions since 1961. In 1974, the Council reunited under the leadership of Professor Mojmír Povolný, who set out to enhance the organization’s effectiveness. Povolný and his colleagues were very aware
of the changing international situation, particularly the Helsinki Process, which, among other things, called for the safeguarding of human rights. The Council took up the cause of Czechoslovak dissidents and alerted Western leaders and media about the persecution of those who spoke out against Communist injustices. At times, the Council also collaborated with other exile groups whose ideology differed from that of the Council. Most importantly, the Council supported the efforts of the main dissident organizations, Charter 77 and VONS, and thus played a role in the final liberation of Czechoslovakia.

Keywords: Czechoslovakia, exile, OSCE, Council of Free Czechoslovakia





