Etno-nacionální emancipace sandžackých muslimů v pozdně osmanském a jugoslávském období


  • Daniel Heler Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague


The Ethno-National Emancipation of the Sandžak Muslims in the Late Ottoman and Yugoslav Periods

The Sandžak, or Sanjak of Novi Pazar, is a strategically important region situated between modern-day
Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Kosovo. It is well known for its great cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity. As such, the area represents an interesting field for research of inter-ethnic and interconfessional
relations. The article traces the ethno-national emancipation of the local Slavic Muslim community since the early nineteenth century until the late 1980s and its confrontation with the nationalisms and expansionisms of the nascent Christian nations and states in the Balkans. It argues that the identity of the Sandžak Muslims transformed from a predominantly religious identity to a national one no earlier than during the socialist modernization in Yugoslavia in the post-WWII period.

Keywords: Sandžak; Bosniaks; Muslims; nation-building; Ottoman Empire; Yugoslavia

DOI: 10.14712/23363231.2017.1





